Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bilge pump system....

Lower sump pump feeds into the upper tank, which activates the float switch on a 3700 Rule pump.


builder said...

Very nice.

Does the "carry handle" enable it to be used as a shopping basked? LOL.

I like it. I may have to borrow your idea here.

Jerr Dunlap said...

You've probably thought of this but just in case you haven't, run your hose high asap and downhill from there, if possible - A large diameter hose can hold a lot of water and your basket may be filled from the backwash, activating the switch... It's easy to calculate, though.

Thanks for the leadership in showing me how useful diagrams and pictures are in these blogs - I am starting to take pictures to go with my articles. Additionally, I've just started a video/stills contract for instructional DVDs and web content.
Cheers to you, my friend!
- Jerr